JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD was founded in the year 1982. JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is a CBSE Affiliated Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary.CBSE Affiliation ID / Code of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is 1130035. Affiliation Type of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is General. School's current affiliation is valid from 1/4/2018 to 31/ 3/ 2023. The school is located at the address - Village Salav P.o. Revdanda Murud Taluk Raigad Dist Maharashtra. The school is being managed by Vikram Jan Seva Trust. Contact number of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is 260110 , 40110-9. School's official email id is ritwiz.gaur[at]jsw.in.


Affiliation Code 1130035
Address Village Salav P.o. Revdanda Murud Taluk Raigad Dist Maharashtra
District RAIGAD
Office Phone 260110 , 40110-9
Residence Phone 9829118389
Fax Number 260550
E-mail ritwiz.gaur[at]jsw.in
Foundation Date 4/7/2005
School Status Senior Secondary
Trust Name Vikram Jan Seva Trust

About School Principal

Name of Principal Ritwiz Gaur

About CBSE Affiliation

Type of Affiliation General
Affiliation Start On 1/4/2018
Affiliation END On 31/ 3/ 2023

About Type of School

School Category Co-educational
Type of Medium English
Type of School Independent

About Near Famous Landmark

Near Railway Station to JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is Roha and it's 34 KM far from JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD. Near Police Station to JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is RohaRevdanda and it's 4 KM far from JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD. Near Nationalised Bank to JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is SBI, Salav and it's 0.2 KM far from JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD.

Near Landmark Name of Landmark Distance from School (in KM)
Railway Station Roha 34
Police Station RohaRevdanda 4
Nationalised Bank SBI, Salav 0.2

About Labs and Rooms Details

Room Name No. of Room Length of Room (in ft.) Breadth of Room (in ft.)
Class Room 18 22.57 22.03
Physics Lab 1 22.97 22.87
Chemistry Lab 1 44.83 2.57
Biology Lab 1 23.1 22.73
Maths Lab 1 23.1 22.73
Computer Science Lab 1 27.8 15.3
Library 1 28.5 24.5
Other Rooms 7 21.84 20.63


There are 2300 books in the library of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD. The school has subscribed to 4 daily newspapers, 19 periodicals, 1920 reference books and 15 Magazines as well.

Total No. of Books 2300
No. of Periodicals 19
No. of Dailies 4
No. of Reference Books 1920
No. of Magazine 15


JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD has infrastructure for Indoor Games, Music Rooms, Health and Check Up.

Swimming Pool No
Indoor Games Yes
Dance Rooms No
Gymnasium No
Music Rooms Yes
Hostel No
Medical Check up Yes


What is CBSE Affiliation Code of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
CBSE Affiliation Id / Code of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is One Million One Hundred Thirty Thousand Thirty Five (1130035).

Address of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is Village Salav P.o. Revdanda Murud Taluk Raigad Dist Maharashtra.

JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD was founded in the year 1982.

JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD comes in which type of category?
JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD comes in Co-educational category.

What is medium of education in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is English Medium School.

Type of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is Independent school.

Who is the principal of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
Ritwiz Gaur is the Principal of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD.

How far JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is from Roha Railway Station?
The school is approx 34 km from Roha Railway Station.

How far JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD is from RohaRevdanda Police Station?
The school is approx 4 km from RohaRevdanda Police Station.

Is there any Swimming Pool in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
No, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD does not have Swimming Pool in their campus.

Are there any facilities for Indoor Games in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
Yes, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD has facilities for Indoor Games.

Is there Gymnasium (Gym) in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
No, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD does not have a Gymnasium (Gym).

Is there a separate Music Room in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
Yes, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD has a separate Music Room.

Is there a separate Dance Room in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
No, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD does not have a separate Dance Room.

Is there any Hostel in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
No, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD does not have a Hostel.

Are there Medical facilities in JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD?
Yes, JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, RAIGAD has facilities for Medical and Health Check Up.

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